Firefox 109 annoying "feature"

Last edited: 14th January 2024

So Firefox version 109 came out on the 17th January 2023, and it looks like another release. I thought nothing about it until I upgraded Librewolf to version 109 where I noticed a really annoying "feature" that is now turned on by default called "Unified Extensions", which adds a button to your toolbar where all of your extensions will show up once clicked on. This is a terrible design choice. Why add another "unified" button that crammes everything into a separate menu when nobody needs that. In Chromium-based web browsers, you can at least pin the extensions to the toolbar to see them directly, which allows you to display the extensions you want to display on the toolbar. On Firefox, you now have to go about:config, search for extensions.unifiedExtensions.enabled, and change it to false (like it should be by default). This is just preposterous, and an insult to me, especially because Firefox brags about being "customisable":

Make Firefox your own


Tweak your settings

There’s no need to settle. Change up the new tab page, search bar, bookmarks and more to explore the internet the way you want.

Yes, I am looking forward to see the reload button to be gone! Okay, turns out they haven't removed the reload button yet, but THEY HAVE REMOVED THE OPTION IN ABOUT:CONFIG!!!. I feel like Mozilla doesn't know what their design philosophy is in Firefox because now it's a shortcut to the extensions settings page / a way to manage inactive extensions (?) Why would you do that???

Mozilla, I'm not just disappointed by you, I'm really angry at you. Especially with the recent controversies around Google Chrome rising up again, I had hoped to see Firefox becoming a decent web browser, but clearly, they have forgotten for what they stand for. With the exception of not being Chromium-based, Firefox is truely an awful web browser. They lie about privacy, they lie about being independent, they lie about customisability (why do you need to create a 1000 lines user.js file just to make Firefox tolerable?), their UI is absolutely garbage, they screw their users over, they only have poor developers left, they don't care about technology anymore, and their web engine is sluggish anyway, which makes picking the Chromium poision a lot more desirable than the Firefox one like I actually can't find any good reason to use Firefox anymore. I mean yeah it's an independent web browser engine, but does that really matter if everything else is just dysfunctional?

I can't point at someone and give them the entire guilt of why the current web & web browsers suck, but I can at least blame Mozilla Firefox for not even trying to be at the very least a decent web browser, and for all of the Firefox fans, respect for still liking this web browser, but I hear what your saying at this point.